5 Reasons You’re Not Getting More Business From Your Website
If You’re Looking To Understand Why Your Website Isn’t Getting More Traffic And Better Results, This Webinar Is For You.
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5 Reasons You’re Not Getting More Business From Your Website
(And The Exact Actionable Steps To Fix It)
In the 9+ years that we’ve been working with business to help them grow their online presence, we’ve found that most of them are making at least one, if not more, of the same mistakes. When you properly leverage your website and your online presence to build your business, you’ll see an increase in the amount of inbound traffic, quality leads, and sales – every time.
In the video above, I go into greater detail about the most common (and worst), mistakes we see (and how to correct them), but I wanted to give you an overview of these 5 mistakes below as well. I like to get right to the point, so let’s jump in…
Reason #1 – Lack Of Proper Research:
Knowing who you’re up against is the first step your business should take when looking to establish yourself more online. Moving online isn’t really all that different from setting up shop offline. If you don’t take the time to learn what your competitors are doing, you’re likely not going to take the proper steps to come out ahead of them. By understanding your competitor’s business, you can better understand how you need to present yours to get more customers calling you, and ultimately, buying from you.
Remember, success leaves clues. Through the use of some “spy” tools that we have, we can see what your competitors are doing and identify where they’re missing opportunities – so we know where to most efficiently start with advertising your business. During this process, we find openings in your market so you can capitalize on the things that your competitors are missing out on and how you can get more business from your website.
Once you have a solid foundation, and some early wins, it becomes easier to fight your way into the more competitive battles.
Ok, so step one: make a plan backed by data and knowledge of the competitive landscape. Do this before you invest in anything else or you’re very likely to be pointing your efforts in the wrong direction (and wasting a lot of time and money!).
So what’s next…

Reason #1 – Lack Of Proper Research:
Knowing who you’re up against is the first step your business should take when looking to establish yourself more online. Moving online isn’t really all that different from setting up shop offline. If you don’t take the time to learn what your competitors are doing, you’re likely not going to take the proper steps to come out ahead of them. By understanding your competitor’s business, you can better understand how you need to present yours to get more customers calling you, and ultimately, buying from you.
Remember, success leaves clues. Through the use of some “spy” tools that we have, we can see what your competitors are doing and identify where they’re missing opportunities – so we know where to most efficiently start with advertising your business. During this process, we find openings in your market so you can capitalize on the things that your competitors are missing out on and how you can get more business from your website.
Once you have a solid foundation, and some early wins, it becomes easier to fight your way into the more competitive battles.
Ok, so step one: make a plan backed by data and knowledge of the competitive landscape. Do this before you invest in anything else or you’re very likely to be pointing your efforts in the wrong direction (and wasting a lot of time and money!).
So what’s next…
Reason #2 – Poor Technical Set Up With Your Site:
80% (or more), of the small businesses that come to us with a statement like: “I have a great website, but I’m just not getting any business from it…” are usually suffering from this one.
The saying “don’t judge a book by its cover” also applies to your website. You can have the most beautiful website that has ever existed, but if the technical aspect, and pieces under the hood aren’t properly set up, you’re not going to generate the amount of traffic that you could be.
One of the things that we hear a lot from our clients is that they love the look of their website, but they haven’t seen any increase in website traffic. That’s because in order to have a website that ranks well on search engines such as Google, you have to have it built with Search Engine Optimization (SEO) in mind. There are a lot of ranking factors that Google looks at when decided which pages to show in a search, but the main ones are:

Reason #2 – Poor Technical Set Up With Your Site:
80% (or more), of the small businesses that come to us with a statement like: “I have a great website, but I’m just not getting any business from it…” are usually suffering from this one.
The saying “don’t judge a book by its cover” also applies to your website. You can have the most beautiful website that has ever existed, but if the technical aspect, and pieces under the hood aren’t properly set up, you’re not going to generate the amount of traffic that you could be.
One of the things that we hear a lot from our clients is that they love the look of their website, but they haven’t seen any increase in website traffic. That’s because in order to have a website that ranks well on search engines such as Google, you have to have it built with Search Engine Optimization (SEO) in mind. There are a lot of ranking factors that Google looks at when decided which pages to show in a search, but the main ones are:

Is The Website Mobile Friendly?
Since most internet users are using their mobile devices, it’s crucial that your site works well on mobile. If it doesn’t, Google is less likely to show your company in search results.

Is Your Site Secure?
Not only will Google not show unsecure sites, but if your user is using a web browser such as Firefox or Google Chrome, they’ll actually get a warning that your site isn’t secure when they try to click over. If they’re unfamiliar with your business, they’ll hit the back button and visit a site that is secure – resulting in them purchasing your competitors’ goods or services.

Does Your Site Load Quickly?
Google understands that the average user doesn’t want to wait around long for a site to load. For that reason, if your site is too slow, Google is likely not going to show your site in search. If they do show your site, it’s also very likely that the user will click the back button if the site is taking too long to load. What is a decent load time – well, of most small businesses a site should load in 2-3 seconds or less. You can test out your website speed for free by going to https://gtmetrix.com

Does Your Site Provide A Good User Experience?
Google’s #1 priority is to their users. In this case, their “user” is not you, but the person who is using their search engine to find information. If Google finds that most people are exiting your site shortly after visiting, they’re likely to stop showing your page to your potential customers, because they always want to provide the best user experience possible – and users “bouncing” from your website most likely means it’s not providing a good experience. Your site needs engaging, useful information that hooks visitors and causes them to stay longer and look around, or to take an action (such as calling you or filling out a form).
Another very important piece to consider is if your website is up to date. When you create a website, there are various aspects that have to be maintained. Even with DIY services, there are plugins and other features that have to be updated from time to time. Failure to update those plugins can result in serious issues if someone is able to capitalize on that and hack into your website.
Ok, that’s enough on this one – let’s move on…
Book Your Free Website Service Call
We have decades of in the trenches, online marketing experience with businesses of all types and sizes. We’ll discuss competitor research, updating your website (or building you a new one!)
Reason #3 – Lack Of A Unique Message And A Clear Call To Action
So many websites we review simply don’t do a good job quickly relaying to visitors what they do, and most importantly, why they're the best at what they do or sell. If a visitor to your site can’t tell within 3 seconds exactly what you do, and why you're the best (i.e. why they should call you over the competition), then you’re going to be in trouble, and struggling to get results. Clarity, and uniqueness are important!
Also, if your user isn’t able to find a clear way to contact you, book your services, or purchase your products, they won’t convert into a paying customer for you. It’s vitally important to ensure that all of your call to action buttons and features are very clear for your customers.
Your response to your leads and incoming traffic is also very important. When a lead comes in, you want to ensure that you have a followup sequence in place and are reaching out to each of the leads. Answer the phone calls that come into your business, and respond to the emails as close to real time as possible.
Take a moment to review your site and see how you’re doing when stacked up against your competition in these areas. Once you have a clear picture, let’s move on…

Reason #3 – Lack Of A Unique Message And A Clear Call To Action
So many websites we review simply don’t do a good job quickly relaying to visitors what they do, and most importantly, why they're the best at what they do or sell. If a visitor to your site can’t tell within 3 seconds exactly what you do, and why you're the best (i.e. why they should call you over the competition), then you’re going to be in trouble, and struggling to get results. Clarity, and uniqueness are important!
Also, if your user isn’t able to find a clear way to contact you, book your services, or purchase your products, they won’t convert into a paying customer for you. It’s vitally important to ensure that all of your call to action buttons and features are very clear for your customers.
Your response to your leads and incoming traffic is also very important. When a lead comes in, you want to ensure that you have a followup sequence in place and are reaching out to each of the leads. Answer the phone calls that come into your business, and respond to the emails as close to real time as possible.
Take a moment to review your site and see how you’re doing when stacked up against your competition in these areas. Once you have a clear picture, let’s move on…
Reason #4 – Lack Of Website Traffic:
It may seem obvious when we say that “If no one is going to your website, you won’t generate any new customers!” but what may not be obvious is that you have to actively work to increase website traffic. People can’t do business with you if they can’t find you.
There are a lot of ways to increase website traffic (once it’s ready), but with the hundreds of businesses we work with every month, we’ve found that 95% of results come from just a small handful of core methods (less than five). Every business is unique, but once you have the foundation stuff right with your small business website, and it’s time to look at building out a multi-channel marketing approach, we should talk.
Our team of digital marketing experts develops custom plans for each business that can leverage ppc marketing, social media marketing, retargeting strategies, Google Maps listings and more.
Remember: Only so many people are looking for your goods and services each month, and the businesses that grow year over year (in any environment), are the ones investing in getting in front of those new customers each month. If you want to be #1 in your market, you’ll need a solid plan for building out a high-converting online presence. We can help.

Reason #4 – Lack Of Website Traffic:
It may seem obvious when we say that “If no one is going to your website, you won’t generate any new customers!” but what may not be obvious is that you have to actively work to increase website traffic. People can’t do business with you if they can’t find you.
There are a lot of ways to increase website traffic (once it’s ready), but with the hundreds of businesses we work with every month, we’ve found that 95% of results come from just a small handful of core methods (less than five). Every business is unique, but once you have the foundation stuff right with your small business website, and it’s time to look at building out a multi-channel marketing approach, we should talk.
Our team of digital marketing experts develops custom plans for each business that can leverage ppc marketing, social media marketing, retargeting strategies, Google Maps listings and more.
Remember: Only so many people are looking for your goods and services each month, and the businesses that grow year over year (in any environment), are the ones investing in getting in front of those new customers each month. If you want to be #1 in your market, you’ll need a solid plan for building out a high-converting online presence. We can help.
Book Your Free Traffic Services Call
We have decades of in the trenches, online marketing experience with businesses of all types and sizes. We’ll take a look at how your business can benefit from a strategic approach to your online traffic.
Reason #5 – Lack Of Clear Tracking
Every day we have prospective clients call us (frustrated), explaining that they have someone running marketing campaigns for them, but they have no idea if those efforts are working or profitable. They actually suspect that they’re not working – because they haven’t “felt” business improve – and in many cases, business is actually declining – yikes! In other cases, they may have previously run ads on their own, but they weren’t tracking any of the results.
“Gut feel” marketing is a dangerous road, and we strongly advise against it! A real business will know the exact return-on-investment (ROI), of any marketing campaign. If you’re investing in marketing your business, make sure you can track what is (and what isn’t), working! There’s no point in advertising if you can’t track the results that are coming in.
With accurate tracking, you can see exactly which efforts are working, so you know how and where to adjust your attention. With good tracking, every dollar you invest in marketing goes farther.
Ok, so with the 5th common mistake out of the way, what’s next?
If you’re comfortable navigating all of this yourself, we commend you!
If you want help – that’s what we’re here for!

Reason #5 – Lack Of Clear Tracking
Every day we have prospective clients call us (frustrated), explaining that they have someone running marketing campaigns for them, but they have no idea if those efforts are working or profitable. They actually suspect that they’re not working – because they haven’t “felt” business improve – and in many cases, business is actually declining – yikes! In other cases, they may have previously run ads on their own, but they weren’t tracking any of the results.
“Gut feel” marketing is a dangerous road, and we strongly advise against it! A real business will know the exact return-on-investment (ROI), of any marketing campaign. If you’re investing in marketing your business, make sure you can track what is (and what isn’t), working! There’s no point in advertising if you can’t track the results that are coming in.
With accurate tracking, you can see exactly which efforts are working, so you know how and where to adjust your attention. With good tracking, every dollar you invest in marketing goes farther.
Ok, so with the 5th common mistake out of the way, what’s next?
If you’re comfortable navigating all of this yourself, we commend you!
If you want help – that’s what we’re here for!
We Love Helping Small Businesses Succeed!
We specialize in helping small businesses grow through effective online marketing. If you’re a small business owner looking to grow, and you’re serious about protecting the future of your business, I think we should talk..
Whether you have an outdated website that needs to be updated; you’re having issues getting your business to rank on Google or in the Google Maps 3-Pack; or just want to grow your business and don’t know where to start – we can help.
Book Your Free Discovery Meeting
During our free discovery meeting, a member of our team will:
- Give you a behind the scenes look at what your competitors are doing so you know where your opportunities are.
- Run a ranking report to see where you are currently ranking, or not ranking, so you know where you need to improve.
- Review your website optimization and conversion so you know what might be hurting your conversion rate or stopping traffic from coming to your site
- Create a marketing plan to help you dominate the competition.

What Some Of Our Clients Had To Say...
Not To Toot Our Own Horn, But... *toot toot*

What are you looking to achieve?
Like we said, we love working with small business like YOU.
Our team of online marketing ninjas are experts in their industries and have years of “under the hood” experience so that your business can function as well as look pretty. We are here for you and we’ve got your back! We’ve been serving small businesses all over the country since 2012 and now we can’t wait to work with you.